Friday 27 June 2014

Why the Spider?

I woke up with this concept on my mind, it's a continuation on the previous post, if you like. Stream of consciousness neatened up a bit.

Early summer morning, fine silk now dwindling...

Why do we need spiders? I used to ask that question when I was younger. I've never been too keen on spiders, so I'd wonder why they had to exist. Nowadays I'm much more accepting of them, I leave them be or catch them in a jar to release them back outside. Still though, the question stands. Of course, spiders are good exterminators; nature's own pest control, they ensure the numbers of other insects are kept down. That's the idea. I used to think that if there weren't flies, then we wouldn't need the spiders. But flies are good decomposers, they take out the trash. So the spiders are in place to keep flies (as well as other little bugs) from getting out of control. Everything has it's place in the ecosystem, right, all about maintaining balance.

A clever design, however you look at it. Is it implemented by something or someone; a creator? The 'Great Architect of the Universe' as the Freemasons neutrally use to refer to deity, being that on the surface this encompasses whatever belief one has.

Are there watchers? In other words, are we being observed by interdimensional beings? If this is an illusion, a computer generation of sorts, a simulated environment...
Have you ever experienced a glitch in what you define as your reality?

I remember reading about the video game Far Cry 2 - the environment featured wildlife, but the developers didn't include any carnivores, as predators without careful control would have eaten all the herbivores and then starved to death.


If something has a fault it gets rectified in time through what we call evolution. Life - this creation - has not been finished, it's a work in progress. What are we heading towards? What are we aiming for? An uninterrupted symbiotic relationship between soul and body? Therefore purity in matter, not only in mind? Perfection? Purity and perfection, human terms. All human terms, though the existence of a soul (or 'second body') is irrefutable to many. If we are aiming for immortality, will the pursuit of certain technology bring us to such an outcome? Transhumanism. Are we essentially working for and with 'God' or 'Gods' so as to attain the perfect ecosystem?

Prosthetics... mentioned throughout history.

Society already seems to be dependent on technology. It's being pushed upon the masses all the time, even just with gadgets that people can't seem to live without. People are attached to their phones (cue the surreal imagery).

One thing we should do is look at both sides of an argument, and that's the point I'm making in comparison to the previous post. Could the elite be a further system in place to keep us subdued for a universal reason or purpose? That wouldn't mean they'd realise it, the same as we don't. Just as there are predators in the animal kingdom; to keep the numbers down. On a subconscious level, could the elite and a depopulation agenda be working for the greater good? Could it fit into some universal plan? It's not a pleasant thought, but I'm only theorising. Which would you prefer, mindless killing or for there to be some divine purpose behind it all? Both are concerning really, as both suggest that at the root of it all is the capacity for evil.

I'm not suggesting the elite are good in any of this, but are they merely puppets to something else; are they being used to utilize a system? What the universe wants, it gets. Hypothetically speaking, as a fail-safe, it might use the elite to commit genocide to ensure continuation of the planet. Alternatively, it might not be a question of sacrifice, it's feasible that something may have taken control of the planet or the solar system, though that's another topic entirely...

Channel 4's Utopia pushed a similar concept to this; depopulation to ensure the survival of mankind.

If it doesn't end with the psychopathic elite, but is actually part of some grand scheme, then I'm not at all comfortable with the idea, though I can accept the potential of it being a reality. Maybe I'm just too sensitive.

The more sensitive you are, the more certain you are to be brutalized, develop scabs. Never evolve. Never allow yourself to feel anything, because you always feel too much. - Marlon Brando

After all, not everybody seems to care, not enough people. And then there are those that do care, do feel - we feel cheated. Again, does this suggest something? Why is there a minority who are aware of the injustice? Do we have a right to feel this way? Why exactly are we different, is it a matter of non-suggestibility? Society as a whole is kept suppressed, told how to think, how to dress and what to eat, this is social engineering.

A wise man told me that we are born with wings
but never taught to fly
doesn't that make you wonder why?
Now you're taught to remain a hamster on a wheel until you run out of energy
When did we stop believing? When did we stop marching? When did we stop chanting?
- Suli Breaks, excerpts from his spoken word poetry from the song 'Glass' by Kasabian

It's arduous being awake while everyone is asleep. We see things we shouldn't, we see what we perceive to be corruption. Maybe we've a right to feel cheated, maybe that was the intention of that which created us - for balance - but if we stand and speak our minds, are we then an obstruction to a work in progress?

Men at work; two men beating up a cloud.
Sort of like we're the butchers to the architects (and their architecture). Really, what if we are effectively the pests to their system? And don't the pests often get rooted out? Think of some notable individuals that have dared to speak their minds and look at what became of them.

Maybe we can't settle for world peace yet; we're not ready; it's not yet time. Perhaps the many deaths of radicals was never such a bad thing, just part of the smooth running of things. Being as I am, feeling as I do, I find this inconceivable, but you never know, maybe it makes some warped sort of sense.

Why the spider? To keep the flies in line.

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