Sunday 31 August 2014


The definition in Collins fourth edition pocket dictionary: Extrapolate - 'to infer (something not known) from the known facts.'

This word was on my mind when I awoke in the early hours. I'm the life of the party, me. Not the most exciting word, I know, but that's the thing, I didn't opt for it. It was just there. And I'm confident that I've not even heard or seen it before, let alone put it there. I hadn't even consciously known the meaning, so yeah. Where did it come from?

Seems to correspond with a sliver of a conversation I'd had with a friend that night. Indeed, as I was semi-conscious, I noticed the internal monologue which supplemented it like a newspaper clipping:

West Ryder: Oh... Ian Curtis... occult.

Jackie: Sure you're not just seeing what you want to see?

West Ryder: I'm not saying he was in a cult, I'm saying I think he was interested in the occult - occult knowledge. The more I understand, the more I recognise it in others' works.

He just likes to shoot me down. I know what he means though. I highlighted this not so long ago. It would be easy to look for significance and find it everywhere to the point that it seems absurd, it might be nothing or it might be e v e r y t h i n g, however, these other times the significance feels drawn to our attention, drawn to us.

Tuesday 19 August 2014


For the last 2-3 weeks (output: Blink, Blink and Afterglow) I had a feeling that there was something or someone with me, a strong sense that I was being guided each day that I wrote the aforementioned entries, that they were part of a process and apparently that process isn't over.

The knowledge and insights that I was provided were very alluring, seductive, that's the best way to describe the experience. In an abstract way, there were a few moments where I felt as if the serpent was speaking to me, the ancient imagery or the inner serpent, whispering. Sweet nothings, perhaps, although I'm discovering more and more that there seems to be depth to the information, a pattern is forming. For me this is undeniably a key of some sort... hopefully the door leads to a rising spiral staircase, rather than a downward spiral... though, as briefly considered in the latter of posts, maybe the way to get out is first by descent... internal landscape; external landscape; the external is a mirror of the internal; as within, so without.

Aside from being an abstraction, maybe I just felt the kundalini was stirring, beckoning or something, saying 'Bite the apple, come bite the metaphorical apple'. I mean I practically live on knowledge, it's a staple of my diet, so there's nothing more tempting than that.

Each day I'd be left alone at the end of my shift in consciousness. Then the following day the presence would be with me again and I'd continue to write a couple of paragraphs or so until the 'sister posts' were complete. During this timeframe I've been dancing more also, for two reasons. Firstly, dancing seems to be one of several ways to channel the 'irrational', that is to communicate with the subconscious and the spirit within. Secondly, I'm trying to get rid of some demons; trying to break some habits, and it really makes me feel better and pure.

When I say dance, I don't mean no two-step time-wasting, no lindy hoppin', no plastic Jagger contrived manner; I'm talking erratic dancing. Yes, erratic, chaotic, not erotic! There's not always a definite rhythm to it, or style, it can get to resemble a convulsion. It is, I would say, irrational. Often I'll have my eyes closed, focused on some intangible element in the dark and the mild opiate quality, allow the music to move me, shake like a maraca, ecstatic.

Out of this, out of the darkness, on this occasion, came two female eyes.

It was the last day of writing the latter post (Afterglow), the final paragraphs and the kinetic nuances in between, when I noticed there was someone 'with' me. Evidently female, though I only saw their eyes, there was a sense and also a sense of beauty that accompanied them, both aesthetically and on another level entirely. I was still dancing, still haywire, but I'd just entered into a serene state of mind. I felt as if I wasn't dancing alone, as though someone or something was tracing or outlining my own form, then I became aware of the eyes melting through the darkness. I didn't note the colour of her irises, it wasn't so clear, but what struck me was how her eyes seemed to be accentuated with eyeliner. They remained for no longer than ten seconds, they blinked a few times and were gone.

After the glowing, there was a permeating emptiness. The presence I'd felt around me for some weeks had also left. I'm sure it is nearby and will return. Now that I've had a taste I'm chasing that feeling, that beauty. If I can replace destructive ways completely with constructive, creative, then this is what I need to chase. Right now, without being fed knowledge, I feel like I'm bobbing for apples.

So, I did tell Calamity about this in passing conversation, because she's interested in this kind of thing, has an interest in my research - hell, she's the original 'mystic'. That said, she wasn't paying much attention as per usual; she's like the original autistic. That was until she saw a beautiful female face come through to her in the night, just prior to sleep, fading into view twice, before fading away.

'Refined features, high cheekbones, delicate nose; golden mean. Possibly of European descent. Hair not really visible, as if drawn back.'

The only thing she can't recall are the eyes, nothing specific about them. But if I had any doubts as to the reality or significance of what I saw, they are less now. The manifestation seems to me to have been an acknowledgement, recognition, even reassurance - a token of appreciation that we should be keenly seeking the truth. And, of course, on why Calamity was able to perceive the entire face - she's always had strong intuition, a far stronger sense than I.

What I want to know though is, is this outside guidance of here or of 'there'? In other words, is it from the vicinity and entering into my personal space, my subconscious mind, which I'd be wary of, or is it from whereabouts I 'fell'; where I belong? The former would bother me and I'd be careful how much I responded to its communion... some gatekeeper on the skyline or one of many minions. The latter should be trustworthy if of the final resting place. But how can I be sure?

Honestly, the sense was of beauty and innocence, also allure. Maybe that was my interpretation. I don't want to even suggest the idea of temptress, you know.

To be sure, in the near-automatic typing phase/haze/phaze I obtained a Ouija board, possibly against my better judgement. People have their conditioned views on the occult, so... Not long ago, I did too. As with anything unknown there is a risk I would say, but with preparation and discernment; preventative measures... As with drugs, you're tapping into the unconscious, opening yourself to these other realms, you've got to be wise, use not abuse. State of mind, location, people, intent...

Oh, the closest resemblance to the eyes are in that picture up there, eyeliner included. When I considered the likelihood of her wearing make-up, I was a little sceptical, it's not what one would expect, until I discovered that even the Ancient Egyptians and Romans wore shadow, liner, mascara etc.

I wanted to refer to her by a name, so I chose what came to my mind soon after, it somehow felt appropriate to name her Maria. If I could reach her again - that is if she's anything more than an aspect of my psyche, like the anima - then I'd like to know her actual name. If she has a name. God, this is weird. I didn't intend to communicate with her via the board, because I'm not sure that'd even be possible, however, if both board and 'spirit' work through access to the subconscious, then it should be.

Since choosing the name of Maria I've realised the obvious religious connotations this can have, which has led me to my next fragment of research. More on this soon.

Sunday 17 August 2014

Semi-Automatic Writing

When I have said that I am seeking truth or speaking truth and such potentially pretentious things as 'truth will out', by no means am I suggesting that I'm an oracle here. Let me just make that clear. This is an ongoing process, these are what I perceive to be the necessary steps and manner of unravelling screwed-up history, this is my truth. If you can take something from it, then that's great and I'm glad, that's the intention. But these are only events as I understand them or as they come to me, grasped and filtered by conscious mind, naturally different to the next person.

Some things I haven't been able to find elsewhere, typically in the way they are presented here, so this is my chance to archive them for myself and anyone with an interest. I try to think as critically as possible. I realise that I can be a contradiction, that's my polarity coming through, but I do what I can. All that you read is researched, validated or checked to the best of my ability, but do check for yourself and feel free to correct me if I've made a mistake. It's not about panic, paranoia or fear, I'm not satisfied with disinformation or unsubstantiated claims, though I do hypothesise and this will be apparent. Where applicable this is about separating fact from fiction and making sense of the whole situation.

This is a journey from ignorance to something more wholesome, and as the path is seemingly endless and with plenty of subjective nature growing as foliage either side, I accept that I'll probably never be fully satisfied. I'd just rather be moving, agile, than staring unknowingly at the path ahead.


Here are some stray thoughts that didn't make the cut in Blink, Blink.
The understanding therein came to me over the last few days, it has been a pleasure, so very seductive and electrifying. Of course it's just the start of coming to grips with the information, but I'm enthusiastic about what it all could mean. I was about three quarters of the way through writing it when the whole lot was erased. Just disappeared. Gone. And the auto-save feature just happened to swoop in at exactly the same moment, saving a blank document. That was at approximately 4AM. I was so upset, because this is a labour of love to me. The amount of time and energy spent - there was no way I could replicate or even want to try. I kept as calm as possible, tried a few things, even going so far as to close the browser, but it was no use. Only by some beautiful mystery did it reappear, literally as it sounds, ta-dah; the void gave birth to a dancing star. I admit, I did want for divine intervention. I'm so grateful, that's about all I can say. Truth will out.
Alison Maclean's film adaptation of Jesus' Son (1999)
I notice the significance of the image above. It is the Sacred Heart associated with the common Christ figure, pulsating on the bare chest of a man wearing a snakeskin jacket. It is just one of those synchronicities. Snakeskin jacket, baby!
The ancient Egyptians considered the heart to be an important aspect of the soul. To them, it was the seat of the soul and most other things were attributed to it; the snotty old brain organ was deemed pretty useless. They had some wild theories, as do we. The heart was thought to be the key to the afterlife, surviving death to be weighed in the underworld. A lifetime of good deeds meant a light and balanced heart and therefore safe passage into the Field of Rushes (heaven), whereas bad deeds would mean a heavy heart and eternal wandering through the underworld. I like how it is worded on Wikipedia: '...where it gave evidence for, or against, it's possessor.' As if the heart was an intimate akashic record; as if we are our own akashic records in essence.

Where did they get them from, these fears of divine judgement and retribution, demons and evil? Was this innate or taught and conditioned? Even if it was taught, it had to start somewhere. Does it not also seem like another opportunity to exert control over the people?

As for slippery serpents, the ancient Egyptians had a love-hate sort of attitude toward them and deities with such characteristics. This isn't so confusing when you think about the threat that snakes will have posed in their environment, it is not uncommon to see the serpent associated with the underworld and attributed to the turmoil caused by certain 'Gods'. However, one of the respected serpentine goddesses was Wadjet, patron and protector, early depictions show her as a cobra entwined around a papyrus stem - like the staff symbol, sacred image of the caduceus (of which the staff can represent the spinal column, I might add). Wadjet later became identified with war goddess, Bast. There's a link between Wadjet, Bast, Horus, Ra, Hathor (and so on...) and the all-seeing eye. I'm thinking they could represent Saturn (even though Ra is popularly accepted as having been a solar deity - see: Immanuel Velikovsky's Saturn Model and David Talbott's continued research in this sphere), but I'm struggling to make sense of it, what with there being so many deities and offshoots and deviations. It must be the most complex tale in all history.

This ambivalence for snakes has been throughout history, hence the nature of the caduceus and related symbolism, when in the winding of two snakes, it's this dualism that is so prevalent. They've long been associated with two sides; good and evil, life and death, creation and destruction.

The ancient Great Serpent Mound in Ohio, now thought to be circa. 300 B.C.
Notice from the source on the left, where it maintains its coil, there are seven bends that lead to the head of this serpentine effigy. Coincidentally, the same number as the major chakra points.

It is one of only a few surviving, as the rest were destroyed by paranoia as Roman-fuelled Christianity plagued the land.

Historically, serpents have often been symbolic of fertility or a creative lifeforce, and kundalini is a creative energy - understood as feminine, latent until awakened.

Brandon Boyd's back tattoo - the owl and Eye of Providence.

Brandon Boyd, all-seeing eye.
Here is an excerpt of an interesting interview with Brandon Boyd of Incubus (conducted by Sirona Knight and Michael Starwyn), now with added italics(!):

What is your opinion of God and Goddess?
For the past eight years I've been leaning more towards the Goddess. The energy I have experienced has definitely been feminine at its core. At the same time though, I've come to the conclusion that by putting a type of sex on it, one way or the other, you limit the energy. At this point, it, stressing the word "it," is far beyond my capability.
How does it feel when you tap into it?
It almost can't be described. I've had conversations with it, I've dreamt about it, I've felt it when I've been thoroughly enveloped in a painting, and when I'm creating something. At these points I feel I'm very in touch with it.
Like when you're merged into the process?
Exactly, I feel like, by me creating something in the creative process, that I am as close to it as I can get. I am in a sense emulating what it does. I am tapping into a place in you that is unexplored, and very dangerous, but I think essential to the creative life of an artist.

Great Serpent Mound illustration, not a totally accurate portrayal.
The triangular section of the effigy is considered to be the head of the snake, mouth open and extending around the oval feature - postulated to be either an egg, the sun, an eye, a frog...

I can see how it could symbolise fertility here, to think of it as an egg, it's quite beautiful. Though the first thing that struck me was how the curve of the triangular shape holds the oval symbol, and the dot in the middle, it resembles the ancient circumpunct symbol. The circumpunct has many ties, but the most common is surely its association to the sun (or had it once represented Saturn?). There are claims that the head and tail align with the sun of the summer and winter solstice respectively.

Serpent as symbol of fertility has my attention; still wondering how to interpret the words: 'Attracted to Infertility'. That was more than a month before this kundalini fixation - I can't see that it'd be relevant, unless it was a forewarning of sorts - follow/don't follow?

I have no reason to think of the kundalini as demonic, rather that it's a portal to the unknown, to a powerful and ancient spirit - presumably of the universe, of the creation, but likely a personalised form of; essentially one becomes a personification of this monumental intelligence, and to channel that is potentially dangerous or at the least unpredictable. It is when this is tapped into unwittingly that human derangement can occur - I believe 'mental illness' to be really of a spiritual nature, though that's not for me to explain here. It's a fine line, as between genius and some kind of divine, unintelligible madness - and it's not always pure. We've the limitations of the conscious mind - the 'doors of perception' - so we can't all expect to be resilient when it comes to converting the nature of the infinite. If you seek, then chances are you're reasonably assured as to what you will find. As well as this ancient spirit of possible ambivalence (filtered through a world of polarity), I suspect there are primordial spirits or entities that have been granted passage here. Our ancient ancestors may have been the first to summon or dream up these spirits, give them life - in dealing with a realm in which thought creates, crafted from the ambivalent creative Most High. Irrespective of where they came from, these spirits are the ones who can guide us or may lead us astray, particularly when we're vulnerable - and I think there's a certain amount of vulnerability required when opening oneself to the unknown and the transcendent.

Look at this chap, Buer, champion tennis player, but not such a good dinner guest.
On the other hand, one may trust that these things have little or no influence unless acknowledged; they require the belief in order to have the strength to act. To an extent I think that's true for the non-religious, non-spiritual, sceptics; those disassociated and removed from such realities, they don't let themselves get close enough. That's not necessarily a fault either, it's kind of subjective. But even without the belief, when these types of people are weak from ill health or in a lowered state of mind, their usual guards are down, can they be manipulated? These things are still there even if we're oblivious to their existence...

How I feel at present, the nature of this place means we need to really consider what we're dabbling with. And whatever we choose to do should be done with understanding and respect.

The information centred around the serpent and kundalini that had been imparted to me, was it guidance or a trap? Doubt as a defence mechanism is imperative. I'm always thinking, always observing from as many angles any given situation, and won't rest until I'm confident I have the answers.

Ancient Greek stone tablet.
The serpent is an archetypal image and the kundalini energy might in some way relate to the anima, but then what of the animus? And because this imagery has been with us throughout history in one light or another doesn't mean that it is natural or good. It could be an embodiment of the creator or ruler of this dominion. Depending on how its words are taken, it could ensnare us and be our undoing - or - be our making, our salvation. Like 'siding' with the enemy, getting close enough to understand the logistics of the situation in the hope of escaping.

If you're fatalist by admission
and you're tangled in the web of denial
well there's only one way that you're going to get out
that's if you go to the source of the fire.
- Cedric Bixler-Zavala, 'In The Lurch', ANTEMASQUE

Following the signs I've noticed the synchronicities that come in time, an alignment. Might say I'm reading into things too much, but I don't think so - I know the difference between looking for significance everywhere and seeing significance as it enters my little world; difference is these things are naturally brought to the attention.
Florence + the Machine, Ceremonials, the songs and their lyrics are curious to say the least. Seven devils, as well as being a song by Florence, get a mention in the bible under St. Luke 8:2 and St. Luke 11:26 -
'And certain women, which had been healed of evil spirits and infirmities, Mary called Magdalene, out of whom went seven devils.'
'Then goeth he, and taketh to him seven other spirits more wicked than himself; and they enter in, and dwell there; and the last state of that man is worse than the first.'
For now let us not get hung up on madam Magdalene or Jesus, whether they existed or were conjured up, revised editions of even older myths, or what kind of a relationship they may or may not have had, or indeed what brand of loincloth the Son of Man may have worn.

Seven devils, seven deadly sins, seven 'archons' (of the firmament) and seven chakras. What does it mean? The way I interpret it is that with the opening of each chakra point, we are exposing ourselves to the darkness and the unknown - our own personal demons or external terrors or both - however this is necessary so that we may harmonise and secure each point or portal, allowing the light to pour in and initiate change, enlightenment, transcendence. The masculine and feminine aspects even-out, coexist. The devils or archons (or whatever you wish to refer to them as) can and do influence us, keeping us stuck so they can control our fate - the sins are an extension of this, the tool, the temptation. I'm not going to be a doom merchant and claim that sin will have us all sent to hell, there's enough of that being tossed about. This is hell enough when it wants to be - Mephistophelian - though by its nature we can describe it as a purgatory where both the shadows and the light meet. There is something that transcends all of this, higher ground (planes/plains), and there are also lower planes of existence. But what we know now is cyclical, until that cycle is broken.

That second passage (St. Luke 11:26, also mirrored in St. Matthew 12:45...) uses the word spirits instead of devils to describe these seven 'inhabitants', when in other places of the bible seven spirits are of God, they're of the Holy Spirit. It's a messy piece of work as far as I'm concerned, not clear, it's all over the place, like a bad cut n' paste job. But it implies descent, a fall, a decline as opposed to transcendence; the last state is not liberation but total demonic possession, ravagement. Isn't this meddled with, in reverse order to what we're beginning to understand beyond the pages of the black book?

See, later on, in the Book of Revelation (also known as the Apocalypse, which simply means 'to uncover' or 'reveal') the seven spirits are referenced again, this time in a positive light, but without any clarification or distinction between the seven (devils/spirits) previously mentioned. Here, Revelation 1:4 -

'John to the seven churches which are in Asia: Grace be unto you, and peace, from him which is, and which was, and which is to come; and from the seven Spirits which are before his throne.'

Apart from the capital 'S' for 'spirits' this time, there's no explanation for why the seven in Mary happened to be evil, but elsewhere (i.e. here) they're holy. I guess the capital 'S' is supposed to make all the difference. Shoddy, just shoddy. But I do like what the bible has to say, don't get me wrong - to dip into and extract meaning is what it's all about, otherwise as a whole it is horrendously repetitive and just not that interesting. Good for scares and laughs, perhaps. Anyway, these seven spirits in Revelation are of God, that's the idea. Here they are again, Revelation 3:1 -

'And unto the angel of the church in Sardis write; These things saith he that hath the seven Spirits of God, and the seven stars; I know thy works, that thou hast a name that thou livest, and art dead.'

Why so many sevens? There are seven candlesticks, seven gifts, seven stars, seven of everything - honestly, the number is used over 700 times throughout the damn thing. Hey, that's more 'sevens' than the 'fucks' in Limp Bizkit's 'Hot Dog' song. Well, why? It is said that the number indicates perfection and is therefore God's number. I don't know how that ties in with the seven evil spirits of Mary Magdalene, but whatever, nothing's perfect.

'And out of the throne proceeded lightnings and thunderings and voices: and there were seven lamps of fire burning before the throne, which are the seven Spirits of God.'  (Rev. 4:5)

'And I beheld, and, lo, in the midst of the throne and of the four beasts, and in the midst of the elders, stood a Lamb as it had been slain, having seven horns and seven eyes, which are the seven Spirits of God sent forth into all the earth.'  (Rev. 5:6)

Vagueness. First we must realise that seven spirits are of God, of the Holy Spirit. Though a woman such as Mary is introduced not as possessing them; instead she is possessed by seven spirits said to be evil. Interesting that. The Holy Spirit is the mystical nature that's around us, nearby, inside; within. It is still with us, it's our contact with the 'outside', the 'one true beauty'. The seven spirits of this mystical nature and divine beauty can be received or accepted into our lives. They originate from and lead us back to the 'throne', where we belong. They are (of) the seven (major) chakras. Stars, seven of 'em, feasibly a reference to the seven classical planets (wandering stars) known at the time, which heavily influence us physically and spiritually; matter and mind. Jesus is shown to hold a symbol of these stars in his right hand, which means despite their influence we have the key to transcend their authority. Look, Revelation 1:16 through 1:18 -

'And he had in his right hand seven stars: and out of his mouth went a sharp two-edged sword: and his countenance was as the sun shineth in his strength. And when I saw him, I fell at his feet as dead. And he laid his right hand upon me, saying unto me, Fear not; I am the first and the last: I am he that liveth, and was dead; and, behold, I am alive for evermore, Amen; and have the keys of hell and of death.'

I believe that Jesus is representative of ourselves, and as Jesus is the lamb of God, so are we. And if we're not the lamb, then we are the sheep, okay. The lamb with seven horns and seven eyes, which are of the seven spirits sent forth into all the earth. Horns and eyes; power and knowledge; omnipotence and omniscience. We can be as the lamb. Our sacrifice, our trials and tribulations, our path through the shadows and into the light.

It is an individual process, however we should encourage and guide each other, connect with likeminded - what Rumi described as a caravan of souls - for otherwise we may become lost in the desert.
Jesus and words as a weapon - Holy Rap, Holy Spit.
Imagine that, seeing someone with an actual sword protruding from their mouth. Of course, it's not literal, nor a stab at surrealism, nor is it an allusion to Jesus' sword swallowing pastime; the sword of the spirit is the word of God. When we allow the spirit into our lives, it speaks through us truths. It is our weapon against the enemy, our saviour in that sense, it may deliver us from evil. The spirit is not only residing where we belong, it is also here with us, able to be tuned into. Psalm 139:8, 9 and 10 -

'If I ascend up into heaven, thou art there: if I make my bed in hell, behold, thou art there. If I take the wings of the morning, and dwell in the uttermost parts of the sea; even there shall thy hand lead me, and thy right hand shall hold me.'

And Psalm 139:23 and 24 -

'Search me, O God, and know my heart: try me, and know my thoughts: and see if there be any wicked way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting.'

The spirit may simply be of the soul, as that is what connects us to... 'Mother of Pearl'! Of the soul, and then given the signal via awakening of the kundalini and activation of the chakras - it's as much about cleansing as anything. As for the psalm, don't our souls (and therefore great spirit and maker) know us better than anyone ever could? Know our hearts and thoughts, our intentions, our genuineness. Ah, like the hypothetical akashic record!

It is by improving our relationship between body and mind, balancing the dark with the light, this acceptance of both sides, which enables us to transcend.

As we progress there are the seven gifts brought by the Holy Spirit (or seven spirits), which is depicted as a dove.

Isaiah 11:2 and 3 -

'And the spirit of the Lord shall rest upon him, the spirit of wisdom and understanding, the spirit of counsel and might, the spirit of knowledge and of the fear of the Lord; and shall make him of quick understanding in the fear of the Lord.'

Whether we take as gospel (ha) what they say the gifts represent is down to personal choice, but know that they're the different stages of spiritual growth, what new understandings each chakra brings and how each phase of our life coincides with that. Surely there is knowledge, wisdom, understanding, enlightenment and harmony. Smart choice of words with the 'fear of the Lord' though. The rulers of this world have taken the beauty from outside of here and turned it into something grotesque and fearful to keep the people grounded. Severing the breast and nursing the young.

Fear is of their simulated nature.

And a certain 'fear of the Lord' has been re-understood as wonderment and awe - to make it easier to swallow.

We don't need their tantrumous, jealous, male wino of a creation. No way, it's perverse. We don't need no thought control, and hey, while we're on the subject, why don't you leave those kids alone!

If the Christian God exists in the manner that he's painted, the male bravado, the egomania, then I'd rather side with his opposite. And I mean that more than anything. Who would want to lounge in the company of that fig roll? He's a joke; quick to judge, close-minded, utter bore.

But I don't believe it for one moment, so in that sense I've already chosen his opposite; some alluring beauty.

Cedric of The Mars Volta. Kudos to the individual who photo'd and public domain'd this.
"I'm interested in the parts of religion that aren't talked about," so said by Cedric Bixler-Zavala (frontman of At the Drive-In, The Mars Volta, ANTEMASQUE...) in this neat interview. When you begin to appreciate how there is hidden meaning within the text or that which goes unaddressed, that's when it gets interesting, that's when it starts to make better sense. In order to keep the herd bewildered, scripture had to be inadequate. That's where its strength lay, it's so vague, so it could function as it has and be taught and taught the way it is.

In fact, yesterday morning I woke with a few words balanced on the tightrope between conscious and subconscious: 'copyright', 'illegal' and 'reinterpret'. I didn't know whether the bible would be a copyrighted piece of work in all honesty, but it is a piece of work, copyright also. More to the point, do 'they' allow the freedom of interpretation (or reinterpretation)? They can hardly stop anyone, but it is strongly discouraged. I did a little searching and didn't think I found much, aside from Martin Luther of the 16th century saying that one shouldn't dare to reinterpret the 'word of God', even when it might seem foolish and strange to human reason.

'Understand the simple meaning of these words, the way they are usually read. You shouldn't dare to reinterpret the Word of God your own way. It's better to think, "I don't understand these words. But before I change them, take something away from them, or add to them, I would rather leave them alone. I'll give them to God."'

That says it all, that's the typical attitude - no thought outside the box, no stepping out of line, otherwise the whole façade falls apart. It's this rigid thinking that has prevented transcendence and evolution as a collective.

Then I was told to look at the very end of the bible, it's there as well. Fail-safe.

'For I testify unto every man that heareth the words of the prophecy of this book, If any man shall add unto these things, God shall add unto him the plagues that are written in this book: and if any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part out of the book of life, and out of the holy city, and from the things which are written in this book.'

Manipulative, threatening, abusive. Yawn. And yet people still take it at face value and buy the lies, none the wiser, cowering beneath Father's whip hand. Be ye wise.

'Behold, I send you forth as sheep in the midst of wolves: be ye therefore wise as serpents, and harmless as doves. But beware of men: for they will deliver you up to the councils, and they will scourge you in their synagogues.' (St. Matthew 10:16 - 17)

That there is the serpent and the allegory of the Holy Spirit mentioned in the same sentence, and from Jesus' mouth no less. There is no mention of evil or fallen angels, only wisdom. Wise as the serpent; energy, power, knowledge, and shrewd all the while, which can't really be labelled as good or bad, it just is, a sort of mixed blessing, and harmless as the dove; the spirit itself, a certain pureness, what you were most familiar with when you were a child. It's the mixing and balancing of these two qualities; the spirit meets the base, the raw, the fleshly.

And before Christianity interfered, the serpent was emblematic of renewal, physical and spiritual rebirth, along with the creative, fertility, and dualistic aspects. So, in the case of the kundalini, the individual experiences a sort of shamanic death, a cleansing, a shedding of the old and an invitation of the new, a more fruitful life. That was likely the serpent's most significant attribute in all of the symbolism through the ages.

Moses and the serpent entwined on an effigy of the individual.
Speaking of this metaphysical rebirth, Jesus makes a comparison between the raising up of the Son of Man (technically us, we're in this position) and Moses raising up the serpent. St. John 3:13 and 14 and 15 -

'And no man hath ascended up to heaven, but he that came down from heaven, even the Son of man which is in heaven. And as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even so must the Son of man be lifted up: that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have eternal life.'

So, on that note, either 'Satan' himself wrote the bible as trickery or these are some hidden truths which predate Christianity and have been bound within. There seem to be allusions to these older philosophies scattered throughout the text; with reference to the kundalini, the chakras, the pineal gland, et cetera.

Codex Gigas (Devil's Bible)
Ride Like The Devil's Son. I realise that what I've said here can be considered satanic to some, it's sort of mandatory for the preachers, but it's not so black and white as that, one extreme to the next, never is it so simple. I accept no sides really. And it's somewhere in between, ideally, that we need to coexist. Again, it's about finding that balance. There are favourable things to be said for both Christian morality and Satanism, too, and strewn elsewhere. Good can be found. It's the obvious lies and oppression that I'm against, the fraught world that bothers me, otherwise I exist quite happily on my own path.

As for Anton LaVey, I have a newfound respect for what the man had to say. Not a respect for him necessarily, because I had not known him personally, I'm still wary of his intentions and I don't agree with everything he said, but I can definitely appreciate where he was going with his ideas, the role that he played in this cycle of life. It's just a fine line between the smooth transition and the fall of an Empire into debauchery, lunacy, rampant orgies and people frothing at the pores. That's what I remain cautious about, how this is going to pan out, and so I'm keeping an eye on the future.

This line of inquiry comes at a time when rebirth - a collective cleansing (not ethnic cleansing!) - is due, probably long overdue. The truth can't be suppressed much longer, surely. The Age of Aquarius shall be as an apocalypse; an uncovering, but with all the disorder the transition brings, how will society fare? I think that if you view Anton LaVey's work, you will see how the plan is to integrate a Brave New World, he practically spells it out, and it is this system that is ruling us. Whether Anton was a cog in the machine, I don't know, I have my suspicions, he did make reference at least once to being part of a 'pretty big institution'. He essentially wanted the same thing they want. He may have meant well, but they don't. It all depends on whom the power rests with. No religion or government can offer salvation, only we have the means for that.

Yes there are forces at work of which we have little understanding, and they'll manifest in whatever form we see fit, but as St. Matthew 10:16-17 says, it is man we have to be wary of. That's when we're dealing in the Faustian, dealing with the Mephistophelian, the snakes in suits; it is the untamed shadow side of human nature that causes such darkness.

So much for 'some stray thoughts', hey.

Tuesday 5 August 2014

Blink, Blink

So, I am shuffling along with Kundalini Tales, truly, ever so truly shuffling...
Chapter two, an aspect. In the 1970s, author Richard Sauder participated in a weekend training session at The Monroe Institute. It was in the following week that he had his first kundalini awakening, most powerful, and with this his heart chakra was opened and he had vision. 360° vision, startling clarity. Not with his physical eyes, which were closed, but with his heart. I take this to mean that the so-called serpent energy (kundalini) had arisen from the base of the spine to as far as the heart center, this is what this means. The idea for anyone interested is to raise the energy up through the main chakra points to the seventh one at the top of the head; the sahasrara (crown chakra). That is if we're trusting of this 'serpent' power, given the time to understand and research it - interesting how it could be implicated with biblical teachings. Not the best choice of words though to put your mind at ease, 'serpent power', so coined by a so-titled Sir John Woodroffe.

Lovely heart with eye - JoanDougArt
Possibly the soul enters and leaves the body through the heart (anahata, heart chakra), as if by a portal or channel, and until death we are connected from physical to metaphysical to that region via a 'cord' or 'cords', sort of like an astral umbilical. Descartes referred to the pineal gland (associated with the third eye, thought to be of the ajna chakra) as the 'principal seat of the soul' though, where we're at the helm, where subconscious meets conscious mind.

In a seat older than this time, watching from behind eyeline, spinal staircase, lightbulb signifies consciousness, like a moth to a flame, enlightenment, brow and then crown, weeping, thy single eye...

Album art and above illustration are by Alan Aldridge.
So there you have the eye inside the heart again. Incubus, Light Grenades. Anyone have any interpretations for the spikes that surround the heart? I see some have described the grenade as shaped like an owl, where the peace symbol and sun are in place of the eyes. Incubus singer, Brandon Boyd, does have a tattoo of an owl on his back, alongside the Eye of Providence. Ordinarily I would have been wary of that, but I've had a radical change of mind in the last couple of days - for better or worse, a thrill nonetheless. The lotus flower at the foundation of the grenade; the lotus grows in muddy water, flowering above the murky depths, the bowels of below, to attain enlightenment. The lotus might double as flames here, flames at the foot of an owl. Cremation of Care, the annual ritual at Bohemian Grove where a human effigy (which represents 'Care') is burned before a 40ft owl statue; an event held by the Bohemian Club, all-male members and guests of which have included politicians and other notable figures; a convergence of the high-ranking. The Bohemian Club mascot is also of an owl, a symbol of knowledge and wisdom. Deftones used an image of an owl for Diamond Eyes album cover.

Bohemian Grove, Cremation of Care, covert image > look into history.

Deftones, Diamond Eyes, photograph by John Ross.
Continuing with the symbolism from Light Grenades then - the lotus might double as flames, but in all honesty it probably has no relation to the Cremation of Care. The grenade being shaped as an owl is likely intentional though. From the lotus rises the phoenix, commonly a symbol of renewal, meeting the base of the spiky heart. Although the spikes seem to be at one with the heart here, facing outwards, I considered how they might represent an assault of some sort; a denial of feelings; a defence mechanism, how a hard exterior has built and turned many a heart callous. It's difficult not to make comparisons with the Sacred Heart of Jesus, the eye resides where the crown of thorns would, although I'm confident the band are saying something else, like not waiting for something to manifest and instead instigating our own change. In a traditional sense it could be viewed as anti-Christian, but that's labelling it. You only have to read the art and the lyrics of the album to understand what's being said here. Directly above the heart a dove rests an olive branch, making peace, an offer of reconciliation, making amends. The dove descends from a symbol of the sun, so it could be forgiveness, a reunion between heart and soul and thus mind, re-establishing a relationship with the world around us - nature - to undo the damage religion has caused. The dove and olive branch are of the bible also, apparently a symbol of the Holy Spirit. Therefore if we get back in touch with ourselves, first look within, then the spirit will descend upon us individually and we will be in communication with the 'universe' - be that God or Gods. Because the bible is a pack of distortions, the grief it has caused throughout history, it's a malevolent device. What does the bible say about malevolence? It promotes it so long as you revere it. Whereas to collapse this cataclysmic tangent and return to basics, there is the sun and there are the planets and evidently there are forces of nature that we can channel.

On why the album was titled Light Grenades, Brandon Boyd explained - "There's a song called that on the record and it felt like the most pertinent conceptual aspect of the album, the idea of throwing ideas at problems and the ideas explode with light and good results and intention on consciousness. So I started imagining imagery of students in different countries protesting and throwing Molotov cocktails with masks over their faces. But there's one brave student who runs up to the police line and, as opposed to throwing rocks or things that destroy, there's this concept of that one courageous, lonely student running up and throwing ideas and having them actually change things. It just seemed kind of a cool concept: the redefining of weaponry."

That combined with the lyrics to the title track, it's about realisation, illumination. I would provide the lyrics here for you to see, but we live in a world of twisted copyright laws, perfectly reasonable to an extent and then retarded for the rest. The theme that runs through song and album is that we've gone off course, which is no revelation to me, but I'm sure for most people that would be quite difficult to conceive of, otherwise we wouldn't still be in this mess we're in. Where the lyrics mention the end, I think this is not literal, rather an end to the old; out with the old, in with the new. I'm sure it has to do with the transition to Age of Aquarius, whether it is already here or its influence is being felt, and whether that's a good thing only time will tell - I think it depends on which force has its way, and this has more than one outcome. Those who subscribe to and promote the new age are hopeful.

Neptune has ruled in the Age of Pisces, while Saturn and Uranus will 'contend' for the Age of Aquarius. Christ or the story of Christ was the inauguration of the Age of Pisces, and ironically sought to divide our connectedness with God - which I consider to have been the purpose. What could be an inauguration of this new age? Contact with extraterrestrials, actual or staged?

So the song 'Light Grenades' is a call for change and awareness, ending with the repeated line 'Come on, remember who you are'. We've been led astray and these orthodox religions are old hat, it's no longer the plot device of choice. For as long as we are herded, we're not reaching our full potential.

The grenade on the album cover - each square around its edge has a religious symbol, each allocated their own little box. These are portions of the whole, the whole truth. On the left there is the Yin-yang, Star and Crescent, Torii, and Om. On the right is the Star of David, the circumpunct (represents much - known as ancient symbol of the Sun, Keter, Entered Apprentice Freemasonry... possible ties to Saturn...), Jain Hand, and the Christian Cross. Both sides lead to or are capped by a small heart, the spikes ever-present. If we're to view the grenade also as an owl, then these religions make up the greater knowledge or wisdom that is behind them. Not separately; they all offer bits of truth and good advice mixed with unequal measures of fear and oppression - not freedom. Within is trapped the heart, all the while, not open to living, not open to giving, not open to receiving; truth. Except for that dove. The dove that symbolises freedom and the spirit of life is reaching out, beyond the confines of doctrines and indoctrination.

The owl is commonly associated with knowledge and wisdom, but many meanings have been applied. Certainly the government and elite are the possessors of knowledge. Is that the only reason for their association with the owl? Or does it also correlate with their pagan beliefs?

Washington, wise old D.C. owl or power of suggestion?
Sophia came to my mind, the Sophia as mentioned several times by Kai ('the hatchet-wielding hitchhiker'). Sophia is honoured as a goddess of wisdom, seemingly then with connections to the owl. Wisdom, that's also Athena, Minerva, Lilith, et cetera... all goddesses represented with wisdom and the owl. According to one legend, Lilith was Adam's first wife, but refused to be submissive - who can blame her? - and either left or was kicked out of the Garden of Eden, thus she was a fallen angel. Yet another text portrays her as the serpent who tempts Eve to eat of the forbidden fruit. Athena and Minerva are connected with the olive tree and the dove. Worthy of mention, Deftones also have a song called 'Minerva' from their self-titled album. This is just a new stream of thought, so forgive me if it seems to go nowhere - to me it's obvious there is a relevance here, but I'm not yet familiar with mythology.

Crucial to what I started this post with - though it has unfolded as intended - we'll get back to the kundalini. In finishing the analysis of the Light Grenades album cover, there is the lever of the grenade which is composed of two snakes entwined, a peace symbol and a lone wing. The peace symbol contains two cloud-looking things and two hearts, light on the left and dark on the right, identical to the Yin-yang, maybe a reflection on the duality of man; altruistic and yet so barbaric.

'So that your understanding becomes perfect, consider that your heart is both good and evil.' - Carl Jung, The Red Book.

The serpents tangled as they are on the lever extend to the peace symbol or surmount, this is representative of the caduceus in Greek mythology. The caduceus as well has the wings attached to it; the winged sun. One myth depicts the wand as a sign of peace, so that fits with the artwork. What about the second wing? The dove's wing, while significantly smaller, neatly meets the peace symbol and completes the likeness. There's little doubt to my mind that the caduceus is emblematic of the kundalini process, as the serpent energy ascends the spine and stimulates each chakra. And is it a surprise to find that this ancient symbol has been adopted by government, mistakenly or not, and again the associations with wisdom and the dove?

Caduceus, staff of Hermes.
Seven major chakras.
The seven major chakras, kundalini and caduceus.
The kundalini of course extends to the crown chakra, not stopping at the throat chakra as shown in the superimposed image above. The wings and top of the caduceus can be seen as the highest level of enlightenment, the 'cherry on top'. The twin serpents may symbolise duality again and the marriage of polar opposites. As Jung was saying, we need to accept that this polarity exists within our nature if we're going to find balance and harmony. This is like the world of dualism here, this is what we're dealing with.

Knowledge and wisdom is fundamentally within, lying dormant, and this revelation is kept from us. If we don't look, we'll never know. We're kept distracted, kept from realising our destiny and kept from RISING. The keepers of this ancient knowledge have an utter revulsion for us, and how are we to know why? Apart from the dominion it gives them, I mean really, something deep-rooted sets us apart from them.

A closer look at the paperwork beneath the seat - the serpent, the coil, the kundalini...
There beneath the seat of the psyche is an illustration showing the coil; spiral; kundalini. Excuse the pixelation, in the booklet it is plain to see. This would appear to be the serpentine path we must take if we wish to be in communion with the spirit; the 'universe'.

And I now realise how scripture is a distortion, how its true meaning is craftily hidden, how it has been reversed and twisted to fit an agenda. It dawns on me that the serpent is not at all bad, it was an important component of our ancient past. In the bible it offers enlightenment in the form of fruit from the tree of knowledge, just as the kundalini process symbolically does. Humankind has been conditioned to think of the serpent as evil though, because it is a necessity in our development and evolution.

The serpent within encourages the pursuit of knowledge and therefore wisdom, understanding, advancement, since it is a gateway to truth.

Saturday 2 August 2014

The New Age Magazine/Scottish Rite Journal

Of interest, found this Masonic publication which was first issued in June 1904 as The New Age Magazine*. It still exists to this day, but in January of 1990 its title was changed to the Scottish Rite Journal. The 'New Age' pertaining to the Age of Aquarius.
*Not to be confused with The New Age (1907-1938), a British literary magazine, nor the New Age Journal (1974-2013, last known as Whole Living).