Monday 14 July 2014

Fear Loves This Place

Fear is something that we all face in our lives, on a personal level - we all have hurdles to overcome - and on a macrocosmic scale. Irrational fears are important only when they are faced, accepted, experienced, comprehended or rationalised. It's like a depth from which springs forth tests or puzzles that we must solve. And what if there were no wrong answers, just our own interpretations of the situations, the way only we are biologically or environmentally prepared to have? The reward being that we choose to be tested; we develop and flourish.

Nature loves courage. You make the commitment and nature will respond to that commitment by removing impossible obstacles. Dream the impossible dream and the world will not grind you under, it will lift you up. This is the trick. This is what all these teachers and philosophers who really counted, who really touched the alchemical gold, this is what they understood. This is the shamanic dance in the waterfall. This is how magic is done. By hurling yourself into the abyss and discovering its a feather bed. - Terence McKenna, excerpt from 'Unfolding the Stone'.

In that sense, fear is only beneficial to us when we embrace it. It becomes a catalyst for change and growth. Creatures of habit that we are, many of us secretly fear change. So a fear of fear itself, a fear of what it might do, what it might present. And it's on a larger scale that we're kept in this state of flux, this psychological space, not really knowing what we're afraid of - we just are - even if we're no longer conscious of it - it has become an automatic response. The media and the powers that be employ such techniques to psychologically weaken us and dominate over us. There is no worth in accepting that this occurs without doing something about it. People cough up the same pathetic excuses, like when they say there's nothing that can be done. They've accepted defeat, they've been suppressed, they're now a part of the problem and there is nothing admirable about that. The truth is we can do anything and everything from an individual perspective. We don't have to be party to their politics; lets focus on the personal. There are always systems it seems, some form of hierarchy within nature, but right now we have to stop and realise that we don't need them when they do nothing to serve and elevate us.

What is it about fear though? Why is it so drawn to this place? The obvious answer is that it's being used as a means to weaken people, so they're more dependent on the system that enforces it. This is basic psychology. I suppose with all my research in the last year and ten months, it has brought me to a point recently where I'm not satisfied with the conclusions I've drawn so far. I'm thinking increasingly outside of the box, which is something I've always done, but in terms of research I consider it to be the natural progression when one has not found the answers they're looking for. It's at least important to accept other possibilities. Consequently, I've been entertaining the idea that the hierarchy and control might extend beyond this realm of existence. Is it possible that the elite group have an intrinsic need to deal us this fate? Could our fear and emotional energy be essential to them on some incorporeal level?

From a psychological standpoint, experiments have been undertaken and the findings imply that there are abnormalities in the brain structure of psychopaths. And a disproportionate amount of psychopaths can be found in high places, because of their ruthless and predatory nature. Good introductory reading material on the subject is The Psychopath Test by Jon Ronson. It seems as likely a reason as any for why these leaders are doing what they're doing, but it wouldn't rule out the possibility of them working in cahoots with interdimensional entities. Not necessarily consciously either; chances are they'd be as exploited as we are. What if something is feeding on our fear? What if something is using our energy, our life-force, as a food source?

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